Have an Adventure

  Have you ever felt the urge to just pack your stuff and go? That need to be free from obligation. I believe we all have felt this way at some point. As humans we are nomads by nature, always feeling the need to Explore and discover. We never really sit still for too long.…

  Have you ever felt the urge to just pack your stuff and go? That need to be free from obligation. I believe we all have felt this way at some point. As humans we are nomads by nature, always feeling the need to Explore and discover. We never really sit still for too long. So how can I go back to my roots and discover the world. Well first, there is no such thing as free from obligation. If you have a car, home, family, or friends, you’re obligated to either pay, upkeep or maintain them. It really depends on what you consider a necessary deed that must be completed or taken care of in a timely manner. If you are married, is it considered an obligation to tell your husband “I love you” everyday? Probably not. Do you feel as if it’s an obligation to pay your car insurance every month? Well yes, that is unless you enjoy paying bills.  Is it possible to forgo obligations like car payments, and grocery shopping for the free and easy life? Now Remember, we stated that telling our loved ones that we care for them isn’t an obligation and yet I believe people do say it out of habit.  How badly do you want that car, how often is too often for grocery shopping? Is it something we need to do twice a week, or will once a month suffice?

              All these questions can be answered by you and you alone. If I give up my car and home for a travel RV is that giving up my responsibilities as a contributing member of society?  We are still obligated to follow traffic rules. we still must pay for insurance and food. So, what is so freeing about giving up our daily routine for the traveling experience? Well that word I just mentioned called experience. Obligation will follow you wherever you go, but experience may not. Experience is what you take from the journey, obligation is a result of the mind believing that it is required to do something.  How about instead of focusing on all the requirements involved with being alive, we instead focus on what we are learning and experiencing from the adventure of living. You can make an adventure out of anything, it does not necessarily have to be to travel the world, but instead an internal adventure. Yes, physically traveling does create a bigger impact by submersing yourself in a new culture, but that is not to say you cannot mentally travel. Expand your mind and except the possibilities you can learn and grow from. This could be just reading about a culture you’re interested in, or maybe just one that you don’t know about.  The journey is what you make it. I’m not saying don’t sell your stuff and leave everything behind to travel. On the contrary. I am merely suggesting not to get so hung up on not being able to if you cannot. There are many options out there for the wanderer, be it a physical wanderer or a mental wanderer. Find that thing that keeps you intrigued and go for it.

What brings out your adventurist side?


Nature Girl