In this day and age of smartphones with maps at the touch of a finger, advanced navigation systems and GPS, the skill of navigation is become lost to most people who venture into the wilderness. However, what if your cell phone battery dies or technology isn’t available in your area? The solution is to learn navigation with a compass. Before you head out on your next camping adventure, take some time to become familiar with how to navigate with a map and compass.
While there are many different variations of compasses, they all have the same basic components. These include a baseplate, direction of travel arrow (so you know where you’re heading), a rotating bezel and a magnetized needle. If you’re just getting started, there’s no need to buy an expensive folding type, just get a simple compass with a clear baseplate for your trip.

While we all think we know how to look at a map, using a topographical map can take a little longer to become accustomed to. If you ever get lost, a simple trail map doesn’t always accurately depict the area where you’re camping or hiking. A topographical map not only displays land features, but also has contour lines which depict land elevation, scales and additional details such as vegetation or various water features. When navigating, be sure to get a topographical map so you get a better picture of your surroundings. These maps can be purchased at sporting goods stores or online through the United States Geological Survey which produces the maps.

How to Navigate While Camping
Once you have your compass and map, it’s time to begin navigating. Place your compass on the map so the side of the baseplate lines up between your existing position and your destination. Next, rotate the bezel so that the orientation lines on the compass are lined up with the north and south grid lines on the map. Pay close attention to the details as north may not quite be where you think it should be. Observe the index line to see the bearing that you will use to get to your destination. Then hold the compass in front of you and rotate until the compass needle is within the orientating arrow and the direction of travel is facing the bearing. You can now begin your journey to your desired area.
Make sure you pack the necessary gear for your overnighter in the woods. Check out this Camping Checklist for an all encompassing list. I never leave home without my Swiss army knife and JetBoil flash cooking system.
Now that you have an understanding of how to navigate, a great exercise to do is to get a map of your home area and practice until you become confident in your abilities. That way you’ll be prepared when you are in camping in an unfamiliar location. The health benefits of camping and hiking alone is worth the adventure!
Nature Girl