Most Floridians will tell you that Florida only has 1 season, summer. Summer is great though! The waters are warm, and nights are toasty. Being in nature in the Florida summer will give you a much better understanding of this beautiful state.

The swamp comes to life in the summer. Mosquitos breed like crazy and the gators are plethoric. The thunderstorms are some of the most amazing sights to see and hear. If you are getting ready for an adventure outdoors in the Florida summer, here are some packing tips.
Summer in Florida ranges from late May to late September, sometimes even encroaching into October. I call this season Sticky because camping in the summer means you will sweat. It’s rainy, muddy, and very buggy. An afternoon thunderstorm is very likely. A lightweight jacket or poncho should by carried on all hikes. This hooded rain jacket from Amazon is breathable and light but will keep you dry. https://www.amazon.com/Hount-Lightweight-Raincoat-Waterproof

Florida is considered the lighting capital of the US. Lighting in the area is always a possibility so avoid taking shelter under a tree or using an umbrella.
Be prepared for the mosquitoes, no-see-ums, and flies. I cannot stress how many biting flies you will feel but never see until it’s too late. Bug spray is required! Add that one to the list for sure. Sawyer Products are among some of the best for repelling mosquitos and biting flies. You can grab a bottle on Amazon for around $15.00. https://www.amazon.com/Sawyer-Products-SP5642-Repellent-Picaridin

Water, water, water. Bring plenty of water. Towels are also suggested as you will be sweaty, and the ground will be wet. Always good to keep a towel handy.
Finally, you will want to bring a battery powered fan. If you’re tent camping in summer, you will be sleeping in a sauna bag that stays a consistent 90°. Having a battery powered fan won’t cool you down, but at least it will provide some airflow to the tent. I got this Coleman CPX 6 Lighted Tent Fan with a Stand for under $20.00. https://www.amazon.com/Coleman-CPX-Lighted-Tent-Stand Trust me, you’ll be happy you picked this guy up.
In conclusion, Florida is a majestic land, but also a very swampy land. Remember to pack these key items and you won’t be a sweaty mosquito pocked mess.
Nature Girl